Friday, 30 September 2011

The “Casa degli Artisti” (artists’ house): a utopia soon to be reality

Do you remember Le Corbusier’s Utopia describing a place for the artists support by a patron? Well, that is soon to be a reality: a building right near the Albornoz Palace Hotel will soon be opened and it will be used to host all the artists that are willing to enrich the collection of the Atelier Project.
The building was projected by the architect Fulvio Bazzani and the sculptor Nicola Carrino and it was conceived to be a huge sculpture: a 90 square meters cube covered with corten steel plates and surrounded with water. A perfect marriage between art and architecture. But there is more: the construction of an auditorium is on the go and the idea is developing of turning the entire structure into a center that will be able to host visual art, theatrical shows, musical performances and ballets.
This is a huge step for the Albornoz Palace Hotel that has once again shown its prestige.
Wednesday, March 27th 2011
If you want to explore the exhibition of the works of art of the Albornoz Palace Hotel please click here.
Follow us on facebook, where you will find pictures of the artists, our exhibition programs and a preview of our projects!
Albornoz Palace Hotel
Address: 16 Viale G. Matteotti
06049 Spoleto (PG)
Phone number: +39-0743-221-221
Fax: +39-0743-221-600

The Albornoz Palace Hotel becomes the "new home" for the "Balletto di Spoleto" (Spoleto Ballet)

Finally the Spoleto Ballet has the chance to come back to its hometown: Spoleto, Umbria. It had in fact its base in Rom for 11 years.
The Spoleto Ballet was founded in 1992 as an activity connected with the “Teatro Lirico Sperimentale” (Experimental Opera House) of Spoleto by the dancer and choreographer Fiorenza d’Alessandro. The Spoleto Ballet won a great number of awards but it was moved to Rom in 2000 due to an underfunding.
The new President, also producer and composer, Marco Schiavoni brought the ballet back to its “natural environment” just a few days ago. Fiorenza d’Alessandro and Caterina Genta, actress, dancer and new artistic director of the project, are working along with him throughout this path.
The Company has a state aid but it’s also funded by the Mibac (the Italian Department for cultural goods and activities). There are several different projects on the go, some of them should be released in autumn 2011. A debate with artists and politicians should take place on March the 27th (The theater world Day) in order to discuss the future of the theater. This will be not only a “fresh start” for the Spoleto Ballet but also another piece on the already affirmed artistic reality of the Albornoz Palace Hotel, which has always been a place of art and for the art. The “Danza ContemporaneaMente” group is in fact already working there for several years.
Monday, February 28th 2011
For more information about the artistic activity of the Albornoz Palace Hotel click here.
For further information please contact us:
Albornoz Palace Hotel
Address: 16 Viale G. Matteotti
06049 Spoleto (PG)
Phone number: +39-0743-221-221
Fax: +39-0743-221-600
Followus on facebook too!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Why did we decide to include art in our Hotel?

How can be a Hotel defined? If you look up in the dictionary you will find that a Hotel “is a building where people pay to stay and eat meals”. It is a building where travelers used to stay any time they needed a rest from their journey. A Hotel is an infrastructure born when men have begun to travel both for business and religious purposes. At that time travelers needed a place to rest, to wash and to eat. Starting from the XIX Century, as the tourism grows, men began to travel not only for working-related reasons but also for pleasure. From that time on the Hotel has been conceived as we know it today: a place where you can enjoy your holidays.
As costumers change, the Hotel changes too: nowadays it isn’t the quantity of the services that makes the difference but rather the quality of them. But how can a tourist choose among all the ideas that the market has to offer?
The Albornoz Palace Hotel in Spoleto, Umbria, has the answer: here the tourist can enjoy the emotion of living into works of art.
The Albornoz Palace Hotel was founded in the early ‘90s as a four star hotel with a congress centre in order to lodge a high number of guests during cultural and art events like the Festival dei due Mondi (the Festival of the two Worlds). During the years the Hotel changes its look putting several works of art practically into every free spot: rooms, the parking-lot, the wellness center, the lobby, the congress center , the swimming-pool, the park and even the elevator.
Besides the Albornoz Palace Hotel hosts theatrical, musical, dancing and poetry events.
This kind of politics has been conceived to advertise the art and the various activities that the Hotel has to offer and it’s called Progetto Atelier (Atelier Project). That is why the Albornoz Palace Hotel has to be seen not only as a simple hotel but also as a holder of artistic experimentations that are constantly evolving.
Friday, January 28th 2011
Why don’t you try to sleep inside a work of art? Look up in our Photogallery!
For further information please contact us:
Albornoz Palace Hotel
Address: 16 Viale G. Matteotti
06049 Spoleto (PG)
Phone number: +39-0743-221-221
Fax: +39-0743-221-600
Follow us on facebook too!